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NCL Workforce Programme


Our North Central London Integrated Care System vision for workforce is for there to be ‘One Workforce’ delivering joined-up, preventative and person-centred care for North Central London.

The NCL People Strategy was developed to set out how we will develop an integrated approach towards the development of ‘One Workforce’ across NCL’s health and care providers. The People Strategy is aligned with the NHS Long Term Plan, the NHS People Promise and the wider ICS requirements of a people function. The strategy was co-designed with system colleagues and reflects our ambition for how our workforce will operate and evolve over the next 5 years. You can access the NCL People Strategy by clicking here.

The People Strategy sets out the focus areas that we have collectively identified as having the potential to deliver the highest impact. The delivery of the strategy will be across the different levels of the system – region; ICS; organisation; borough (place); neighbourhood – setting out as far as possible, where the right place to deliver the ambitions are.

The NCL Workforce Programme compromises of a number of system projects and workstreams that sit within three key strategic pillars and enablers to deliver our ambition. The strategic pillars are:

  • Workforce Supply – Optimising the volume of staff with the right skills and values to achieve our population health improvement outcomes across NCL, sustainably.
  • Workforce Development – Continuously improving staff, systems and processes to maximise the talent and assets we have across North Central London
  • Workforce Transformation – Utilising technology to drive productivity and efficiency improvements, and further connect our workforce with advanced data and analytics

Watch an introduction from our Chief People Officer, Sarah-Louise Morgan, below.


North Central London ICS People Board
The North Central London ICS People Board has been formed as a Committee of the ICB Board of Members with the aim of developing and delivering the NCL ICS People Strategy, prioritising high-impact initiatives and providing robust governance. The People Board will also guide and support the development of NCL ICS through workforce transformation in response to the NHS Long Term Plan and People Plan, including delivering against the NCL Population Health Improvement Strategy and aligned to the NCL Recovery Plan.

The People Board will:

  1. Oversee the development and delivery of the NCL ICS People Strategy and associated plan;
  2. Recommend the NCL ICS People Strategy to the ICB’s Board of Members for approval and ongoing reviews of the strategy;
  3. Commit NCL to action, to deliver against the People Strategy;
  4. Ensure the People Strategy is delivering against the objectives of the ICS;
  5. Communicate and engage with NCL workforce, promoting NCL People Strategy, workforce programmes and priorities;
  6. Identify and act on opportunities for cooperation and delivery of priorities;
  7. Support retention and recruitment of staff across NCL, and act as enablers and champions of system change;
  8. Agreeing reprioritisation of appropriate ICS People funds within existing budgets.

The People Board Chair is a NCL ICB Non-Executive Member and Board membership will include the following representation from ICS organisations and partners:

  • ICB Executives
  • HR/People
  • Nursing
  • Medical
  • Pharmacy
  • Higher Education institutions
  • NCL Training Hubs
  • Adult Social Care
  • Local Authority (non-Adult Social Care)
  • North Central London GP Provider Alliance
  • North Central London Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (‘VCSE’) Alliance
  • Skills for Care
  • Workforce, Training & Education Directorate of NHS England (previously Health Education England)
  • ICS representative for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Academic Health Science Network representative
  • Allied Health Professionals Council or Faculty


More information

For more information email the Workforce Programme Management Office:

NCL ICS People Strategy Annual Report 2023/4

Latest programme newsletter updates

Past programme newsletter editions

The NCL ICS Care Leavers Programme

The NCL ICS Care Leavers Programme aims to support care experienced young people into meaningful education, employment and training opportunities in health and care. Working with partners such as Islington Borough, Drive Forward Foundation, UCLH, Royal Free London, NCL Imaging Network, Primary Care Anchor Network and Health and Social Care academies, we’ve hosted 3 recruitment and careers events, most recently at the Middlesex University Simulation suite.

On 2 November, we were invited to present at the national celebration event at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital in recognition of our progress. We’re proud to see a growing momentum of outcomes for young people.

Nursing and Midwifery System Leadership Programme


Launched in June 2023, 22 successful applicants are undergoing a system leadership programme tailored to their needs, consisting of action learning sets, 1-1 coaching and leading on a system project over the next 6 months, giving them exposure to system leaders and sight of the types of work we undertake within NCL.

On 20 February 2024, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust welcomed these nursing and midwifery leaders at a special celebration event to mark their achievements in completing the NCL Fellowship Programme. Read more.

Oliver McGowan Training - Learning Disability and Autism

Photo of hands typing on a laptop.

To improve the care received by people with LD and autism, training on learning disability and autism is now a statutory requirement for all health and care staff working in CQC-regulated services. The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism (OMMT) is the preferred choice for NCL.

The OMMT training itself is divided across two “tiers”, according to staff roles: Stage 1 focuses on the completion of the e-Learning by ALL staff by December 2023 and Stage 2 will consist of live/interactive sessions, according to staff role beginning in January 2024.

Find out more.

Future Leaders Programme

Photo of some cartoon people stood together.


A collaboration between NCL ICS, Inspiring Hope and Excellence in Action, Future Leaders is an asset-based programme to enable leaders currently underrepresented at executive level to move into executive roles. The ambition of the programme is to increase the number of executive directors from under-represented ethnic backgrounds within NCL ICS.

To date, four of the cohort of 11 leaders have been offered progression opportunities. The programme’s evaluation is ongoing, with a focus on recognising key themes and opportunities for systemic approaches to tackling underrepresentation.


NCL CapitalNurse Graduate Guarantee Scheme


The NCL CapitalNurse Graduate Guarantee scheme recognises that when organisations provide a fair and streamlined employment offer to registrant graduates, there is a significant benefit to both the employer and the candidate.

The offer for third-year nursing students on placements within our NCL trusts consists of a guaranteed interview following submission of application, no assessment other an a short values-based interview, top-tips document, and support of a 6-12month CaptialNurse Preceptorship Programme, and much more.


The NCL Graduate Guarantee Scheme wins at Nursing Times Workforce Awards

A photo of the NCL CapitalNurse Graduate Guarantee Scheme team

Congratulations to our NCL CapitalNurse Graduate Guarantee Scheme team who were awarded the Best Recruitment Experience award at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards 2023 last month.

The Nursing Times Workforce Awards judges praised the scheme’s team for an initiative that valued recruitment and focus, in order to recreate the correct cultures and bring people in to sustain a workable force. They also credited the scheme as “a transferable initiative that can be used and shared with all departments in the hospital, as well as other trusts.”

