NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP)

Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) is a face-to-face and tailored behavioural change programme available to people who are found to be pre-diabetic on their blood tests (HbA1c 42-47.9 mmol/mol, Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) 5.5-6.9 mmols/l) or patients with a past diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM).

Since July 2022, the service has reverted to delivering the sessions face to face within the local communities across NCL.

The nine-month programme offers patients advice on diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle through a range of support, including the face to face group session pathway which details further information on motivational interviewing and behaviour change, and a digital remote pathway using an app with videos, online learning modules and 1-1 coach support (smartphone/tablet and email address required for digital pathway).

All patients (excluding GDM patient referrals) require a blood glucose test result within the past 12 months of referral date. Patients can also self-register onto the programme if they know their recent blood glucose test result, date of result and NHS number. Link to this is detailed below in the eligibility criteria. GDM patient referral criteria and self-registration link is also detailed.

Many people who are eligible for the programme do not speak English as a first language and, as such, should not be referred through mail-shots. See leaflets in other languages below.


CPD-accredited Training

The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) has developed an e-learning module on the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme  for GPs, practice nurses and other practice staff. The free 30-minute module is CPD-accredited and covers:

  • what non-diabetic hyperglycaemia is
  • what the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is
  • how it works
  • who is eligible

It can be accessed by creating a free account on the RCGP learning site.


NDPP Eligibility criteria


  • aged 18 and over
  • registered with a north central London STP  GP practice
  • not pregnant at time of referral
  • able to take part in light/moderate physical activity
  • HbA1c between 42-47.9 mmol/mol (6.0-6.4%) or Fasting Plasma Glucose between 5.5-6.9 mmols/l within the last 12 months of referral date.
  • Eligible patients are now able to self-register to the programme online if they know their blood glucose test result (Hba1c/FPG), date of result and NHS number here. Healthcare professional referrals are still preferred.

GDM referrals:

  • Aged 18+
  • Registered at any NCL GP practice.
  • A past historic diagnosis of GDM, or Currently have GDM, however, they can’t start the programme until post-pregnancy.
  • Blood glucose result reading not required for patient on the referral form.
  • Eligible GDM patients are now able to self-register to the programme online here.

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service:

  • GPs
  • All clinicians/staff that can refer patients to NHSE services, such as:
    • Nurses
    • GP assistance
    • GP administrators

For patients with language requirements, refer by phone or self-registration forms.
Telephone: 0300 302 0652

Referral methods: Email

Send a completed EMIS form by email (Please note that patients with language requirements should not be referred through email. This is so that the provider can ensure that there is an appropriate coach available to call the patient when the referral is received – see telephone number above).

Email: Hex.ndpp.ncl@nhs.net.

You can download the form here.

Referral methods: Email

Send a completed form by email.

See the Diabetes Prevention Programme invitation letter in the Downloads.

Email: Hex.ndpp.ncl@nhs.net

Self-registration link: www.lwtcsupport.co.uk/join-the-programme. Patient requires blood glucose test result (Hba1c/FPG), date of result and NHS number to complete form.

GDM self-registration link: www.lwtcsupport.co.uk/gdm-form.

Telephone: 0300 302 0652