Publication scheme

You may be able to find the information you are looking for here, without needing to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires public authorities to adopt and maintain a publication scheme that:

  • specifies the classes of information we have committed to publish
  • says how we will make that information available
  • says whether the information is available free of charge, or only on payment.

Most of the information covered by our publication scheme will be made available on the website and is set out below. We routinely publish under the scheme the information and categories of information listed described below. If you need this information in an alternative format, we will do all we reasonably can to help. Our publication scheme follows the Information Commissioner’s model publication scheme for public authorities.

If the information you seek is not available on this webpage and you would like to make a Freedom of Information Request please contact the FOI team at


How much money we spend and how we spend it

Financial information about North Central London ICB will be made available here, as it is produced. Information about the general financial duties of North Central London ICB and its financial strategy can be found in:


Staff pay

Information about staff pay and grading is published in our annual report. Job descriptions and their salary bands can be provided on request.


How we make decisions

Our Governing Body papers record how all our important decisions are made. Our Patient and Public Engagement Groups heavily inform all of our work and we seek to learn from and act upon your comments and complaints.


The register of interests

These documents will show how we manage conflicts of interest and are transparent about any gifts, or things that are paid for by others.


Primary Care Rebate Schemes

Primary care rebate schemes (PCRS) are contractual arrangements offered by pharmaceutical companies, or third party companies, which offer retrospective financial rebates to the ICB on GP prescribing expenditure for particular branded medicine(s). The availability of a scheme does not influence the inclusion of specific medicines in care pathways or formularies. Healthcare professionals will continue to base their prescribing decisions on individual assessments of their patients’ clinical circumstances. The decision to initiate treatment or change a patient’s treatment regime should always be based on up-to-date best clinical evidence or guidance, for example, from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (‘NICE’), or other approved authoritative sources.

North Central London ICB has signed up for the following primary care rebate schemes list.

The NCL ICB policy governing primary care rebate schemes can be accessed here.


Information we do not have (and why we don’t have it)
  • Data predating the CCG’s creation on 1 April 2020 (information will be available for individual North Central London CCGs – Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington from their creation in April 2013. Before that, Primary Care Trusts were responsible for commissioning services for North Central London residents).
  • Patients’ medical records (we don’t hold patient records, they are held by your GP or hospital).


Expenditure over £30,000 (what we spend and how we spend it)

As part of the government’s commitment to greater transparency, HM Treasury requires all NHS organisations to publish details of expenditure over £25,000 from April 2014 to June 2014, and over £30,000 from July 2015. North Central London ICB will publish this data on a regular basis. Details on the ICBs monthly expenditures are accessible to the public.

Please visit for further information.