Children and Young People

Asthma – three key asks to improve lives

In North Central London improving the lives of children, young people and their families who have asthma is a key priority. It is estimated that in every classroom of children there will be three who will have asthma; this can lead to children missing school due to ill health, end up in hospital emergency departments and sometimes sadly die. This can be avoided if children and young people have good asthma care which includes having an asthma review after every attack and at least once a year, knowing how to use an inhaler correctly, having a written asthma action plan and knowing about the potential impact of air pollution on a person’s asthma.

North London Partners are working together with a range of stakeholders including; children, young people and their families, schools, hospitals, GPs, community health services, public health, pharmacies, housing, air quality teams and many more to develop a plan and way of working to address this problem.

Three simple measures if used consistently for all children and young people with asthma, would have a massive impact on the quality of life for these children and young people.

  • The use of a written asthma action plan drawn up between a clinician and asthma sufferer means people are four times less likely to have to go to the hospital for their asthma.
  • Ensuring every child or young person (and their families/carers) understands how to use their inhaler effectively. Less than three-quarters of children and young people have any form of instruction in how to use their inhalers meaning they may not be getting the full benefit of their asthma medication
  • An asthma review every year and after every attack will ensure those with asthma recognise their triggers and are able to manage their condition effectively.


Baby & Childhood Vaccinations

Find out about vaccinations for babies and children in North Central London.


My child is unwell: Coughs, colds, fever and other common children’s illnesses: Advice for parents and carers

For the majority of children, fevers, coughs and colds and other common illnesses are not serious and they will soon recover following rest and plenty of fluids.

But some children under two, especially those born prematurely or with a heart condition, can experience more severe illness.

Parents and carers are encouraged to look out for symptoms of a severe infection and to contact a healthcare professional when concerned.

Lots information on how to look after your child when they become unwell with common illnesses and injuries like coughs, fever, upset stomachs and head injuries is available on our dedicated children’s urgent help page for parents – Help for parents and carers in north central London – North Central London Integrated Care System


Paediatric emergency services

For anyone aged under 18 who needs care in an accident or an emergency situation, please visit to find the closest A&E department.

In an emergency, Ambulance Services will automatically take patients to alternative hospitals during this period.

In an emergency dial 999.


Safeguarding – children and young people

North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) works with our statutory partners to promote the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable adults and children who may be at risk of being abused, neglected or exploited, and to safeguard them from harm.

For more information on what to do if you are worried a child, young person go to Safeguarding children  and young people- North Central London ICB