
What is shingles?

Unlike most other infections, you don’t catch shingles from someone else.  Most of us had chickenpox when we were young, although some of us will not be aware that we’ve had it.

After you have chickenpox, the virus remains dormant living in the nerves.  For most of your life you will not be aware of this, but from time to time the virus can come back and spread to the skin causing a disease called shingles.

Shingles can be very painful and tends to affect people more commonly as they get older.  This can be because your immune system is weakened by increasing age, by stress or by a range of medical conditions and treatments.  For some, the pain caused by shingles can last for many years.  Shingles can really affect your life, stopping you from doing all the things you usually enjoy.

Who will get the vaccine?

From the 1 September 2023 the vaccine programme has been offered to the following:

  • healthy people 70 to 79 who have not yet been vaccinated
  • people from 50 years of age with a severely weakened immune system
  • healthy people aged 60 to 70 years will become eligible for the vaccine when they turn 65 to 70 years of age

Patients will remain eligible for the shingles vaccine until your 80th birthday (unless you have a weakened immune system) but the sooner you have the vaccine, the earlier you will be contacted.


Shingles does not spread as easily as chickenpox, but the fluid in the blisters does contain the chickenpox virus.  So someone who is not immune to chickenpox cab catch this infection if they are in contact with this fluid. If you have a shingles rash you should cover the rash with loose clothing to reduce the risk of spreading chickenpox.  Pregnant women who have not had chickenpox, people with a weakened immune system and newborn babies should avoid direct contact with the rash.

Shingles often starts with:

  • a tingling or painful feeling in an area of skin
  • a headache or feeling  generally unwell
  • followed by a rash after a few days

The rash usually appears on one side of the body, often on the chest or tummy, but can also affect the face, eyes, or genitals. In rare cases, shingles can cause pain without a rash.


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The side effects from the shingles vaccine are usually quite mild and don’t last very long.  The most common side effects (occurring in at least 1 in every 10 people) are pain and redness at the injection site, general muscle aches and headaches. You may feel tired and have a fever after the shingles vaccine.  You can rest and take the normal dose of paracetamol (follow the advice in the packaging) to help make you feel better.  Do not use machines or drive if you are feeling unwell. You should feel better after a few days but if your symptoms persist for longer, you should discuss this with your GP or practice nurse. You can report your side effects using the Yellow card scheme from the MHRA (
By having the vaccination, you will significantly reduce your chance of developing shingles. In the first five years after the first shingles vaccination programme was introduced, there were 40,500 fewer GP consultations for shingles-related hospitalisations. If you do go on to develop shingles, the symptoms are likely to be milder and the illness shorter than if you had not had the vaccination.  The Shingrix vaccine used in the UK has been shown to provide good protection.
Like most vaccinations, the vaccine will be given as an injection in your upper arm.

Shingrix is a non-live vaccine, and you will need two doses to give you the best longer lasting protection.

For most people the second dose of Shingrix will be offered from about six months after the first dose.  If you have a severely weakened immune system, your second dose of Shingrix should be given earlier, but at least six weeks after the first one.

Your GP practice will let you know when to book for the second dose.

If you have had a severe reaction to any of the substances that go into the vaccine, you might not be able to have it.  Your GP practice will advise you.
For post people the shingles vaccine will be offered until they become 80 years of age.  If you have a severely weakened immune system, the vaccine can be given up to any age.

For the best protection you should have the vaccine or complete the course at the recommended time.  Contact your GP practice to make another appointment.

If you would like more information before or after you have the vaccination, speak to your GP or practice nurse.  You can also visit the NHS website at

To read about the shingles vaccine Shingrix, visit

Leaflet from Patient information: Shingles: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

UKHSA eligibility for shingles vaccine poster: Shingles vaccination – who’s eligible?