Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard was developed and introduced in 2015. Organisations are required to review and report against nine indicators.

The indicators are a mix of NHS staff survey data and the workforce data comparing the experience of BME and White staff. It also compares the governing body data with the workforce and local population data to show how representative the governing body is compared with the ICB workforce and the local population. We publish a progress report with an action plan every year. Our latest report is available below:


Our HR/OD and Equality and Diversity Teams work together to implement the WRES in the ICB. Currently, the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group and the Executive Sponsor are responsible for developing the action plan and advising the ICB on assurance. The BAME Staff Network plays a crucial role in co-producing and implementing the WRES Action Plan. In addition, we work with our system partners and NHSEI to learn from best practices and share our experience of how WRES has helped us address racism and discrimination.


We set our priorities to advance workforce race equality in the ICB and influence the agenda across our provider landscape on an ongoing sustainable basis. This is why we are working collectively with our providers to share experiences and ideas to develop common priority areas. For the next year (2022-23), our WRES priorities are:

  1. Recruiting and retaining BME staff in bands 8a and above
  2. Support BME Staff (e.g. BME Staff Network)
  3. Collaborative working with partners and providers