Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) aims to make sure people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get the information they can access and understand, and any communication support they might need.

This includes making sure people get information in different formats, for example, large print, Braille, easy read; and support such as a British Sign Language interpreter, deafblind manual interpreter or an advocate.

The AIS means that organisations providing health or social care need to ensure five things:

  • Ask people if they have any information or communication support needs, and identify how to meet them.
  • Record those needs in a set way on the patients’ records.
  • Highlight or flag in the person’s file or notes, so it is clear that they have information or communication support needs and details of how to meet those needs.
  • Share information about a person’s needs with other NHS and adult social care providers when they have consent to do so.
  • Make sure that people get information in an accessible way and communication support if they need it.
Our approach to implementing the AIS

ICBs are exempt from meeting the standard. However, we are committed to the AIS, and we ensure that whenever we communicate with the public that we consider the requirements of the standard.

Our Communication and Engagement Team is responsible for making sure any information we produce is accessible – and they make reasonable adjustments for people who have an information or communication need. This applies to our published information on the website and all printed materials produced for engagement and consultation.

We also work closely with our member GP Practices to provide the necessary support to enable them to meet the requirements of the standard. The ICB continues to seek assurance from provider organisations about their compliance with the standard, including evidence of how they are planning to meet the standard.

More information on the AIS can be found on the NHS England’s website: