Our Performance

Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) commission most of the hospital, community and primary care NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible. Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed, and ensuring that they are provided to a high quality.

ICBs play a major role in achieving good health outcomes for the local population that they serve and are overseen by NHS England through an annual performance assessment process.

NHS England has designed a set of performance indicators to be used to monitor how well an individual ICB is tackling these health issues, and identify areas where support may be required.

The key performance indicators are grouped into five themes;

  • Improving quality of care, access and outcomes;
  • Preventing ill health and reducing inequalities;
  • Looking after our people;
  • Financial efficiency;
  • Leadership

This information is available on the NHS England’s website.

North Central London ICB will share our performance against these indicators in a performance report at Board meetings. The report will also show how we are performing in other areas, for example, ensuring that patient rights as set out in the NHS Constitution are upheld.

The ICB’s Board meeting papers can be found on this section of the website

2022/23 Annual Assessment 

Each year, NHS England assesses the performance of Integrated Care Boards (ICB). The assessment looks at how ICBs are performing in five different areas including system leadership and improving population health.

North Central London ICB has now received the outcome of our first assessment, with NHS England reviewing our performance between 1 July 2022 – 31 March 2023 (our first 9 months of operation).

In their assessment, NHS England have acknowledged the range of work we are doing to improve the health of our residents. Examples include our engagement with partners and communities, the work we are doing in quality and safety, our ambitious Green Plan, our focus on health inequalities, and our progress delivering physical health checks for people with severe mental illness. The assessment outcome also makes some suggestions for areas we need to focus on more in the year ahead, and recognises that there remain challenges around the ongoing impact of the pandemic and the increase in waiting lists, similar to other ICBs across the country.

Read the full assessment outcome letter here