Declarations of Interest

A conflict of interest could be defined as any situation in which an individual’s personal interests or responsibilities may, or may appear to, influence their decision-making.

The most common types of conflicts of interest include:

  • direct financial interests
  • indirect financial interests
  • non-financial personal interests
  • indirect interests.
How do we manage conflicts of interest?

NCL ICB takes its responsibility to manage conflicts of interest seriously and has a Conflict of Interest Policy, which is updated regularly in line with NHS England’s guidance on conflicts of interest.


What happens when a conflict of interest is identified?

When a conflict of interest is identified, it is the responsibility of the individual to disclose the interest.

At meetings, the individual must make a declaration if there is a conflict of interest and in most instances will be removed from the decision-making on that particular issue. All decisions and details of how any conflict of interest issue has been managed are recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

ICB staff members are required to inform their line manager and the governance team about any conflict of interest they have or think they may have.


Where can I find NCL ICB’s conflict of interest information?

All conflicts of interests that have been declared are published regularly on this page.

If you have any questions about our Conflicts of Interest Policy, please contact


Why is it important to manage conflicts of interest?

North Central London (NCL) ICB is responsible for the stewardship of public resources in commissioning services for the community.

Therefore, it is important to manage conflicts of interest to:

  • protect the integrity of the ICB’s decision making
  • avoid improper influence and prevent fraud
  • ensure decisions comply with the law
  • fulfil the ICB’s duty to look after public money
  • support the principles of honesty, fairness, transparency and equality
  • ensure NCL patients receive the best possible care.