Affordable Homes for NHS Staff in North Central London

Residential Research Report for NHS North London Partners (NCL) and Community Health Partnerships (CHP)

Our health and care staff are the main reason we have world-class care in North Central London (NCL).  To attract and keep the best people, NCL needs to be a place where staff have a place they can call home that is affordable.  Lack of affordable homes affects all types/ levels of health and care staff, in both hospital, community and social care settings, at all levels of supportive staff administration, porters, housekeeping, allied services, doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants.

With the help of partners at One Public Estate (OPE), the London Estates Delivery Unit (LEDU), the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Community Health Partnerships (CHP), we conducted research to understand the key issues around how many staff (and their families) are affected, and what the actual affordability gap is for them in terms of housing needs/costs compared to their wages.  This provided data to shape plans for affordable homes and help make them a reality.

We are proud to publish a research report that summarises our findings. The report looks at the type of staff and their household needs, current available housing options for staff, and  how affordable this is in real terms in North Central London.  We also evaluated this data against our first project, to make tangible, positive, change in supporting affordable homes for NHS staff.

Community Health Partnerships (CHP) are in the early stages of a project to provide Homes for NHS Staff at a site adjacent to Finchley Memorial Hospital in Barnet.  NCL has been working closely with CHP, an NHS Property Company, to support their application to provide up to 130 homes for NHS staff working in NCL health and care organisations.  The project received outline planning permission in June 2021 with initial designs being reviewed to ensure it meets staff aspirations and needs to provide a place they can call home.

We are excited by opportunities to support initiatives like Affordable Homes for NHS Staff, and grateful to our partners for helping us get here.  Our commitment to make NCL a place for staff to be and feel at home is taking shape!

Download the report Affordable Homes for NHS Staff in NCL