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NCL Clinical and Care Leadership

We understand you may have questions about the NCL Clinical and Care Leadership model. Over the coming weeks, conversations between NCL ICB managers and Clinical Leads should help clarify any questions specific to your role(s). In the meantime, we will be updating this page with the questions that are most frequently directed to the team.

If you have a question, please speak to your NCL ICB manager or email the team at:

Clinical Leadership Briefings were held with Dr Jo Sauvage on 22 and 26 September 2022 to share updates on the planned transition to the new Clinical and Care Leadership model for NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB). For those who were unable to attend the briefings, you can watch a recording of the session at this link and information about the future model is in this summary slide deck.

NCL Clinical and Care Leadership model

When will we know what the final Clinical and Care Leadership model will look like?

We are now finalising the Clinical and Care Leadership model and expect that we will be in a position to share the final model with colleagues in September 2022.

When will the new Clinical and Care Leadership model be in place?

The new model will be introduced in a phased approach between now and 1 April 2023. This will ensure we are able to recruit to the new model while maintaining a safe level of cover over the winter months and allowing for a handover period between existing clinical leads and those recruited to new roles.

Who has been involved in the development of the future model to date?

Over the past year, we have been reviewing the existing clinical leadership model for NCL CCG and developing a new multi-professional Clinical and Care Leadership model for NCL Integrated Care System (ICS). The model has been designed following engagement with current clinical leads and key stakeholders from professional groups across the system and in our boroughs.   

Which clinical lead roles are being extended beyond 30 September 2022?

We are offering all clinical leads a short-term extension to 31 October 2022. To support the implementation of the new model on a phased basis, the durations of further extensions will vary depending on the portfolios and continuity required for existing work programmes. This is to maintain critical ‘in flight’ work and to support the smooth transition to the new model. 

Do I need to do anything to accept the extension offer I've received?

Yes, should you wish to continue in your clinical lead appointment(s) to the end date outlined in your extension correspondence, please write to within five working days of the date of your extension letter.

What should I do if I do not wish to continue in my role beyond 30 September 2022?

Should you not wish to continue in your clinical lead appointment after 30 September 2022, please write to within five working days of the date of your extension letter, setting out the role(s) you do not wish to continue undertaking after 30 September 2022.

Will there be roles to apply for in the new Clinical and Care Leadership model?

Yes, and we strongly encourage you to apply for roles in the new Clinical and Care Leadership model as they become available. We want to ensure you have sufficient time to consider the opportunities within the new model and will inform you about the new roles as they become available. We expect to commence recruitment to the new roles from October 2022 onwards.

What support is available to me during this time?

We are aware that this time of change may be difficult to navigate and cause some uncertainty and disappointment, particularly as we work through establishing the new model while focussing on our strategic and operational priorities to improve health outcomes for our population.

Your Director will support you through this process and we will also regularly update this FAQ webpage with questions we receive. If you have any questions on the process, the NCL ICB HR team will also be able to offer further information.  

What opportunities will there be for clinical leads to apply for?

There will be an opportunity to discuss potiental opportunties in the new organisation in your 1-2-1. We will keep all clinical leads updated with each recruitment process to ensure you’re aware.

Will there be an opportunity to apply for roles as a job share?

There will be opportunities to undertake roles on a sessional basis or apply for roles as a job share.

What will be the employment status for roles in the new CCPL model?

A Contractual and Pay Framework for the new CCPL model has been agreed by the remuneration committee. The following summarises the below contractual and pay arrangements for roles within the new CCPL  model.
Clinical Directors Remuneration: £300 a session (for GPs) or Band 8D or equivalent for those employed by NHS organisations/Local Authorities.
Clinical Leads Remuneration: £280 a session (for GPs) or Band 8C/8B or equivalent for those employed by NHS organisations/Local Authorities.
Contractual Arrangements
GPs: Secondment agreement or in exceptional circumstances a contract of employment with sessional rate + statutory employment provisions relating to annual leave, sick pay/leave, maternity pay/leave. 
Individuals employed by NHS organisations/Local Authorities – Secondment agreement.

Has any thought been given to the potiental impact of the transition on our newly formed clinical networks?

Please flag any existing meetings you may chair during the 1:1 conversations.

Are the Clinical Directors for place taking responsibilty for being a lead for specific ares (for example, long term conditions, children and young people) or will they be appointing people to do this?

Clinical directors of Place will not manage LTCs, childrens etc they will be strategic oversight for ensuring that the organisation outcomes are being delivered, who will have understanding and insight of the boroughs specific needs.

Will there be roles within safeguarding?

Yes, there is a statutory requirement for the organisation and across the ICB to have safeguarding roles. The accountability for these roles will sit within the portfolio of the Chief Nursing Officer.

Who will the nominated leads be to have conversations, will it be a manager a clinical person?

The nominated leads will be people who have worked alongside clinical leads. These will primarily be 1-2-1 conversations but where multiple roles are held by inidividuals, there may need to be more than one.

When can I expect to have my 1:1 meeting to discuss the impact of the model on my role?

121 meetings with nominated leads will commence from w/c 26 September and will continue to mid-October.

My role is externally funded, what does this mean for me?

The contract end dates will be in accordance with the funding arrangements and agreed work programme associated with the funding.

If we are moving to a multiple disciplinary way of working does this mean I cannot apply?

In order to maximise professional diversity, and in line with the guidance, the Clinical and Care Director and Clinical Lead posts within the CCPL model will be open to individuals with a range of experience, knowledge and skills, including allied health professionals, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, social workers/practitioners, psychologists, healthcare scientists, physician associates, midwives, dentists, optometrists, orthoptists and public health professionals, amongst others, all of whom need to work together in the best interests of patients/the population. Anyone that meets the person specification requirements can apply for the roles.