Improving Population Health in North Central London

We want all residents in North Central London to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Our residents are at the heart of what we do. We want to make sure they’re able to play an active role in their own health and wellbeing, working together to manage health problems early on, or better still, prevent them from happening at all.

We also need to look at the bigger picture, focussing on the environments, habits and situations that can gradually affect people’s health. By working with residents and other partners from across the system, we want to tackle some of the root causes of ill health, from air quality and employment, to financial hardship and social connections.

Together, we’re determined to tackle the inequalities that we know affect so many of our residents, helping more people to live longer, healthier lives.

You can read more about our mission to improve population health, the purpose of the ICB and ICS, and the work we are doing to tackle health inequalities in the document below:

Improving Population Health in North Central London



Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy


Working with our residents, patients, and partners, we have developed an ambitious Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy which reflects a significant change in our approach to the health and care system.

The strategy aims to:

Reduce health inequalities – working together to identify unmet needs across our different communities and address them with services and support that are accessible and inclusive.

Focus on prevention, early intervention, and proactive care – empowering people to stay healthy and acting early when people are at risk of becoming unwell.

Work together as a system – making sure that our services, people, data and wider resources are joined up and that actions are taken based on what our residents are telling us.

The strategy was developed by and with partners in the local integrated care system including the NHS, local councils, public health, NHS trusts and the voluntary and community sector.

You can read the full and short versions of the NCL Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy below:


Our priorities for the next 18 months


By putting people and improving population health outcomes at the centre of how we work, we hope to build the foundations to create better health outcomes for our local residents not just in the short term, but for generations to come.

To achieve the objectives set out in our Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy, we must have a clear plan that brings together the health, care, and voluntary sector in North Central London. Some things will take time to progress, but there are many things we want change more quickly.

Our Delivery Plan sets out some of our priorities and the changes we want to put in place in the next 18 months.


Working together as a system

To improve the health of our population, we must work together as a system in North Central London.

The vision, mission, priorities, and ways of working of the North Central London Integrated Care System are shown in this diagram.

Our NCL Outcomes Framework

Delivery of our Strategy is supported by an NCL Outcomes Framework, which outlines an agreed set of outcomes that we as an integrated care system want to achieve for our population and a set of indicators to monitor how we are doing.

For more information, please visit the NCL Outcomes Framework page.

Case Studies

We will be publishing a series of Population Health case studies, celebrating the incredible work happening across North Central London to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents.

Watch our first case study below:



Maternity and Neonatal Equity and Equality Action Plan

North Central London’s Local Maternity and Neonatal System has published its Equity and Equality Action Plan, which highlights much of the system-wide transformation work that will take place in maternity and neonatal services in NCL in the coming years.

The Plan will play an important role in delivering NCL ICB’s Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy and Delivery Plan, which has Start Well as one of the key transformation programmes taking forward the ambition to deliver a population health approach and reduce inequalities.