Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health

We are proud to present our North Central London Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Transformation Plan.

Local transformation plans across the country set out how local services will improve children and young people’s (CYP) mental health and emotional wellbeing across the “whole system”. These plans are ‘living documents’ and as such a number of the services and transformation ambitions are either currently underway or being co-produced, planned for, or implemented at the time of writing this document.

We will continue to evolve this document as our services and thinking progress and develop. Our NCL ICS partners have detailed the vast array of services and support networks available to CYP and their families that are currently in place, sharing our challenges and our successes and setting out our shared vision for the future.

In NCL we are proud to share the work of all our integrated care system partners, some of our strengths include:

  • excellent collaboration across partners across the system
  • above national target for % of CYP accessing CAMHS
  • highly skilled and committed workforce across NHS, local authority and VCSE
  • many Trusts and VCS in our area renowned for mental health training, leadership and innovation
  • examples of innovation that have informed national policy e.g. ‘Minding the Gap’
  • strong history of involving CYP and families in co-production of services.

CYP MH and Wellbeing Transformation Plan has been informed by a wide range of partners, CYP and their families, and processes, including:

  • Engagement undertaken with CYP and families across the boroughs
  • The NHS Long Term Plan and its commitments to CYP mental health
  • Covid recovery planning
  • An external audit
  • An NCL wide review of Mental Health offers for children and adults
  • Local needs analyses undertaken in boroughs
  • CQC visit to NCL regarding provider collaboration for CYP MH during the pandemic period.

Next steps

We are currently working with partners to update the plan.