Joint School

The North Central London (NCL) Elective Orthopaedic Network has been created to improve the care offered to patients. It is based on partnership working between hospital trusts and offers excellence in orthopaedic care, research and education.

We encourage you to actively take part in your recovery from beginning to end; this requires you to have a good understanding of key information. The NCL Joint School webpage brings all of that information together in one place.
Please speak to your physiotherapist or a member of your care team about the exercises on this page, before starting them.

Preparing for a shoulder replacement surgery

We have produced booklets to allow you to read through the information at your own pace. We recommend that patients download the booklet and read through the information.

There is space in the booklet for you to make notes of questions you have about your surgery and for reminders of some of the things you may need to remember.

> Download the SHOULDER replacement booklet

Preparing for a hip or knee replacement surgery

To watch this film on a larger screen, click on ‘Watch on YouTube’ Video

> click here to see a subtitled version of the film

click here to see this film with British Sign Language interpretation

We have also produced booklets that accompany this film, to allow you to read through the information at your own pace. We recommend that patients download the relevant booklet and read through the information, as well as watching the film.

There is space in the booklet for you to make notes of questions you have about your surgery and for reminders of some of the things you may need to remember.

> Download the KNEE replacement booklet

> Download the KNEE replacement booklet large print

Download the HIP replacement booklet

> Download the HIP replacement booklet large print

Hip and knee replacements exercises

In addition to the joint school information, we have also produced booklets with examples of hip and knee exercises to do after your surgery. Exercise is vital to the recovery process and will help you get the best possible outcome from your operation. You should familiarise yourself with these before your operation and get into the routine of completing them. They can be downloaded below.

If you are having a hip replacement please open this file: Exercises following hip surgery

If you are having a knee replacement please download this file: Exercises following knee surgery

Please speak to your care team before embarking on any pre-operative exercises and carry them out under the guidance of your physiotherapist.