Dementia Care in NCL

North Central London (NCL) has been identified as one of only three areas in England highlighted as an example of best practice in dementia care.

The Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia is for England to be the best country in the world for dementia care and support, for people with dementia and their carers / families to live. Part of this challenge is to identify those with dementia. Across NCL we are diagnosing 80% of all residents with dementia (the national target is 67%). Camden and Islington are first and second respectively for dementia diagnosis rates in England.

NHS England’s Long Term Plan for Dementia

Dementia has been highlighted by the latest Global Burden of Disease 2019 study as one of the top five causes of early death for people in England: heart disease and stroke, cancer, respiratory conditions, dementias, and self-harm.

There is a commitment in the Long Term Plan to:

  • support people to age well
  • go further in improving the care we provide to people with dementia and delirium, whether they are in hospital or at home
  • look at the integration of dementia specialists working with and through the primary care networks of local GP practices and community teams
  • integration of Dementia Support across North Central London

We will measure the impact of specialist older people’s integrated mental and physical health teams providing dementia support in care homes and home treatment teams across North Central London.

NCL will identify, evaluate and evidence best practice in dementia care. We will use this evidence to improve models of care, services and reduce variation across our ICS and share the work of NCL across England.

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