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We are a partnership of NHS, councils, and voluntary sector organisations, working together to improve health and care in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, and Islington.

Home E Forest Road Health Centre

Forest Road Health Centre

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) reached out to the local Enfield team for a potential site to pilot a new community focused musculoskeletal (MSK) service in the Borough. The team identified Forest Road Health Centre, as a well located, fit for purpose site. There was space on the 2nd floor to accommodate the service. RNOH and the local team worked with CHP colleagues to agree and undertake minor reconfiguration of the space to enable the service to move in April ’22.

The project, albeit simple, aligns with the emerging ICB priorities by enabling services to be provided locally to tackle inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of residents in the wider sense. For the ICB, using vacant space helps to ensure financially sustainability and the wise use of funds. It increases the types of services that can be accessed from the site, with primary care now supported by additional community services.