The North Central London Health and Care Partnership, is an integrated care partnership (ICP), a joint committee with the councils across the five boroughs. This committee is responsible for the planning to meet wider health, public health and social care needs and will lead the development and implementation of the integrated care strategy.
Borough partnership
In Enfield, we work closely in partnership with local health and social care organisations which share a common ambition to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in the borough.
Our borough partnership brings together local partners to deliver multiple improvement and transformation programmes to support residents. Partners we work with include:
The strong relationships between our predecessor borough clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), local authorities and other partners has been critical to improving care and services. Each NCL borough has established a borough partnership to bring together partners across health and social care with clinical and executive leadership to deliver the ICB’s plans at a local level.
As well as a borough-based director, each Borough Partnership board includes local authority and lay members, and works with a wider range of partners including voluntary sector and patient representatives. The Enfield Borough Partnership Board also has representation from a Clinical Lead Director and the boroughs five Primary Care Network Clinical Directors as well as two clinical representatives who co-chair Enfield’s Provider Integration Partnership Board.
Borough partnerships plan and provide integrated services which focus on the health and wellbeing of the local population, as well as setting priorities that are focused on the local health needs. Borough partnership boards meet regularly throughout the year.
Our key priorities as a borough partnership
Local priorities
- Increasing the uptake of vaccines and immunisations (in particular childhood immunisations and flu, Covid-19 vaccinations).
- Improving mental health and wellbeing.
- Improving the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families.
- Improving access, disc.
- Discharge & crisis services.
- Developing neighbourhoods – and integrated models of care / pathways for delivery.
- Digital inclusion, and other means of addressing social isolation.
- Joining up health and care workforce development, including employment support & jobs for local people.
- Tackling inequalities – via NCL inequalities fund, other local resources (e.g. community chest fund).
System level health improvements
- Implementing outputs of strategic commissioning reviews for CYP services, Adult Community Services & Mental Health services
- Scoping and implementing a response to the Fuller report framework for action
- Local engagement in the Start Well review
- Continued vaccination programme support – including Covid19 autumn campaign, polio, and community outreach
- Embedding an integrated paediatric service model in all neighbourhoods
- Mobilising the winter plan – ED front of house, supported discharge and virtual ward scaling
- Actioning reviews around asylum seeker and homelessness health and wellbeing
Outputs from population health framework
- Developing, rolling out and embedding HealtheIntent across frontline delivery.
- Further analyses focusing on population sub-cohorts, geographical disparities.
- Responding to identified priorities from current HealtheIntent analysis e.g.
- Vaccs & Imms coverage.
- Smoking prevalence.
- Cancer screening.
- Care planning for mental health.
- Flu vaccination coverage.