Extreme heat presents several risks to health. Remember to check on vulnerable neighbours, family, or friends daily during hot weather.
Older people, young children, and people with long-term conditions are the most vulnerable and may need help keeping cool.
Below are some tips for staying safe and cool in hot weather.
- Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors.
- Open windows at night if it feels cooler outside (only if possible and safe).
- Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol, dress appropriately for the weather and slow down when it is hot.
- Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm, when UV radiation is strongest.
- If you have to go out, stick to the shade where you can and regularly apply sunscreen.
- Make sure you take water with you if you are travelling.
- Look out for the signs of heat-related harm, such as intense thirst, a headache and painful muscle spasms.
More tips for coping in the hot weather can be found on the NHS website via the link here.