Mike Cooke appointed as chair to lead NCL’s emerging Integrated Care System

Mike Cooke has been appointed as the senior health and care chair to lead North Central London’s emerging Integrated Care System (ICS). He is currently independent chair for North London Partners in Health and Care. He has been responsible for delivering public services in North London for the last 14 years, seven of which were spent as Chief Executive of Camden Council. He previously held various HR and transformation leadership roles and is a Non-Executive Director at Central and North West London FT.

The announcement was made Thursday 16 January by Sir David Sloman, NHS London’s Regional Director, when he announced the names of the five senior health and care chairs appointed to lead London’s five emerging ICSs.

The five chairs will take on responsibility for the future of London’s health and care systems which serve the 9 million people who live in our capital. Their role will oversee greater partnership working between the NHS and London Borough Councils, leading the way to improved health, care and wellbeing for all Londoners.

In a city where 2 million people suffer mental health problems each year, 40% of 10-11 year olds are obese and 1 million people smoke, the NHS, alongside London councils, Public Health England and Greater London Authority are drawing on the skills and expertise of the voluntary sector on a mission for Londoners to live longer and healthier lives.

The five successful candidates are:

  • North Central London Mike Cooke
  • North East London Marie Gabriel CBE
  • North West London Dr Penny Dash
  • South East London Richard Douglas CB
  • South West London Millie Bannerjee CBE

Sir David Sloman said: “It’s not just the NHS that helps to care for us and keep us well. Councils, charities and community groups also play a vital role in keeping Londoners healthy.

“These five outstanding leaders will help improve care for all Londoners by organising health and social care services that work best for patients – regardless of organisational boundaries.

“This is all part of our ambition to make London the healthiest city in the world, and the best place to receive care.”

Cllr Ray Puddifoot, London Councils’ Executive Member for Health & Care, said: “London boroughs welcome these appointments, which show the NHS recognises the need to join up health and care and wider public services.

“This is an important step towards ensuring all Londoners have access to more seamless local services improving their health, care, and wellbeing.” Read the NHS England press release New health leaders to drive health and care in London