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Exam results and wellbeing support for young people

For young people waiting to find out their exam results in August* it can be a worrying and stressful time. Exam results can influence future education and employment options, so it is quite normal for young people to feel anxious.

There is lots of useful information to help young people cope with stress in the run-up to results day, plus advice on how to deal with disappointing exam results, click on the links below for more information:

For young people who require support for their emotional wellbeing or mental health, there are a number of online services that can help:

  • Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community that young people (11-18) can access from their phone for free, safe and anonymous support.
  • Young Minds is an online service providing support to young people and parents.

A quick and handy guide to the mental health and wellbeing support available to children, young people, and their families living in north central London, including how to get urgent help, is available to download via our website’s Information Hub under ‘mental health support’ on our website. Translations and an Easy Read version are also available.

Please note: AS / A-Level results are published on 17 August and GCSE results are published on 24 August