NCL Green Plan

In 2022, the North Central London Green Plan was published which outlines the North Central London Integrated Care System’s (NCL ICS) commitment to improve health and wellbeing through sustainable healthcare.

The climate emergency poses a major threat to human health as well as the health of our planet. We are already seeing consequences of the climate emergency and these will only worsen if we do not take action.

Widening inequalities and growing pressures on the health and care system have prompted questions about the role and responsibility of large public sector organisations in tackling the wider determinants of health. The population most impacted by health inequalities are often those most impacted by climate breakdown and poor air quality.

The NHS has signed up to be a net-zero health system by 2040 .

Our purpose in NCL is to improve outcomes and wellbeing, through delivering equality in health and care services for local people. We have developed the North Central London Green Plan 2022 – 2025 to help us achieve this.

Delivering sustainable healthcare and improving the local environment for residents will improve outcomes, improve lives and help reduce health inequalities.

Our Green Plan is a coordinated effort across the system to align priorities in this space to maximise impact. The Greener NCL Programme is clinically led and brings together hospital trusts, primary care, local authorities and VCSE sector organisations and groups.

We plan to have further conversations with residents to influence our plans and priorities, to ensure our Green Plan continues to evolve.