Integrated Care System

The North Central London Integrated Care System comes together to support people to live healthy lives in thriving communities – to achieve better health and better lives for all.

We are a partnership of NHS, councils, and voluntary sector organisations, all working together to improve people’s health, care, and wellbeing in our five north London boroughs.

Our aim is that everyone has fair access to health and care services that anticipate and meet their individual needs at every stage of their lives.


A new approach to health and care

Our health and care needs and expectations have changed over the years. We are now living longer and many of us develop multiple health problems that need ongoing care.

There is now much more focus on preventing illness in the first place. It’s also vital that people can get the health and care support they need quickly and easily, and that everyone has high-quality experiences, treatment, and results. It’s especially important that children have a healthy start in life.

To achieve these aims, Integrated Care Systems work together to make sure that we tackle the wider causes of avoidable poor health. We pool our resources to improve the planning and delivery of joined-up services that improve the lives of local people.


Who we are

The North Central London Integrated Care System (NCL ICS) is made up of local councils, NHS organisations, voluntary groups, and Healthwatch in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, and Islington. Our partnership includes internationally recognised centres of medical excellence and expertise and the majority of specialist NHS providers in London. NCL is also home to a large number of renowned education and research institutions.

Together, our five boroughs have about 1.4 million residents, around 200 doctors’ surgeries, 300 pharmacies, 200 care homes, and many voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations providing essential care.


What we do

We have four key aims:

  • improving people’s health and healthcare services for all
  • tackling the inequalities that mean some people have poorer health than others
  • improving value for money
  • supporting local social and economic development

Where we’re going

Working collaboratively with our residents, patients, and partners, we have developed an ambitious new Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy for NCL which reflects a significant change in approach.

Together, we are supporting local people to adopt healthier lifestyles and to take control of their own health and wellbeing. We are also looking at the wider factors that affect health including air quality, employment, financial hardship, and social connections.

We believe our ambitious Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy has real potential to transform health and care services in North Central London, helping more and more people to thrive and achieve their full potential.