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Home E Get Involved E Start Well programme: proposed changes to maternity, neonatal, and children’s surgical services

Start Well programme: proposed changes to maternity, neonatal, and children’s surgical services

A woman holding her baby


Since November 2021, NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB), has been leading a programme of work on behalf of local health and care system partners in North Central London called the Start Well Programme to review and improve maternity, neonatal and children’s surgical services.

The Start Well programme has involved several years of partnership working and significant engagement with patients, staff and partners to review and improve the quality and outcomes of services. Our collective ambition as a health and care system is to give babies and children the best start in life and improve outcomes for pregnant women and people.  Following a public consultation on proposed changes to maternity, neonatal and children’s surgical services, and publication of two independent reports summarising responses to the consultation, we have spent time carefully considering the feedback received.

Board members of NCL ICB and NHS England (Specialised Commissioning) will meet on Tuesday 25 March 2025 to consider recommendations for the future of maternity and neonatal services. 

A detailed decision-making business case will be published in advance of the meeting and will contain a range of evidence and data to inform decision-makers and support them to make a final decision. The decision-making business case will be available on the NCL ICB Board of Members meetings page.