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Update on change of control of AT Medics Ltd


AT Medics Ltd holds Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contracts with the NHS to provide general practice services. AT Medics Ltd is owned by Operose Health Ltd.

On 30 November 2023 the NHS was asked for authorisation for a change of control and commenced a due diligence exercise to assess the standing of the new owner and understand any implications of the change of control, including making formal enquiries to Operose Health Ltd. The change of control was of the ownership of Operose Health Ltd to be transferred from MH Services International (UK) Ltd, a subsidiary of Centene Corporation, to T20 Osprey Midco Ltd.

We have been informed that a ‘change of control’ took place on 28 December 2023. The NHS was not informed of this at the time. We were written to on 15 March 2024 to inform us.

Under the terms of the APMS contracts, providers may not undergo a change of control without the NHS’s prior authorisation.

In light of this new information the NHS is now considering its next steps.

We want to make clear that this change of control does not impact patient access to current GP services. Our priority as we move forward is ensuring that local patients continue to have access to high quality general practice care.

T20 Osprey Midco Ltd, the new owner of Operose Health is part of the same group of companies as HCRG Care Group, an existing provider of APMS contracts to the NHS, and both are owned by T20 Pioneer Midco Ltd.

All general practices work under contract to the NHS and whether owned by GPs or other organisations must be able to meet strict standards and regulations that apply to all NHS providers.

The change of control is a change in ownership and does not result in any change to:

• The legal entity holding the APMS contracts (AT Medics Ltd);
• The APMS contracts themselves; and
• The services AT Medics Ltd are required to provide, including locations, opening hours and service standards (including in respect of access and staffing).

AT Medics Ltd has previously informed the NHS that there are no intentions to change service delivery or the personnel involved in providing care. This remains the case and has been re-asserted at meetings between AT Medics and the NHS since 15 March 2024.

The NHS will also continue its due diligence process to ensure the NHS has all the information needed regarding the companies involved.


To share your views and feedback, patients and members of the public are invited to complete a short survey which can be accessed by clicking here. The survey closing date is Monday 3 June 2024.

Questions and Answers

Responses to a range of questions on the change of control of AT Medics Ltd can be accessed by clicking here. Please note that this information is subject to change and will be updated periodically.