How does the ICB support the NCL system in planning for winter pressures?
In preparation for Winter 2024/25, we evaluate last year’s winter plan and the learning from its implementation, looking at all parts of the system – what worked and what didn’t.
Our plan for this year takes into account the NHS England (NHSE) recovery plan for urgent and emergency care services and the seven urgent and emergency care (UEC) priorities we have developed:
- Primary care actions targeted at vulnerable communities, including long term conditions
- Work with partners to target children and young people
- Work to increase vaccinations in vulnerable people
- Enhance use of Pharmacy First
- Work with care homes to support unwell but not acutely ill residents
- Development of a care model to optimise use of alternative care pathways in the community to avoid ambulance taking patients to hospitals.
- 111 resilience and capacity
Data has been an important part of our planning to inform us on where the biggest system demands and capacity were likely to be across all providers. This meant we could be proactive in managing the pressures in advance. We also use live data on a daily basis for any reactive actions we need to take now we are in the middle of the pressures.
Each year we know prevention, particularly through vaccinations as the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases, is a critical component of our strategy. We have been heavily promoting vaccines to the public via community engagement initiatives and through our Your Local Health Team campaign to make it as easy as possible for everyone to receive these essential vaccinations.
We’ve increased primary care capacity through initiatives designed to provide proactive care in the autumn, helping at-risk individuals stay well during the winter. NCL is one of the few systems directing winter capacity funding into primary care.
How does the ICB support the system in managing winter pressures?
At this time of year, the demand on acute and emergency services is even greater, both nationally and locally. We are seeing a particularly high number of flu cases this year contributing to the current demand.
The ICB utilises its unique position within the ICS to support with proactive management of operational pressures and risks across the ICS, including timely sharing of emerging issues and risk mitigation. We also use historical data trends and live data via ICB live data platform (RAIDR) to risk assess and validate local assurance plans provided by our providers and we support in agreeing system actions to manage system pressures.
Our goal is to ensure patients have access to the safest and highest quality of care possible across all areas of ICS. Our role is to continually assess clinical risk through the Operating Pressure Escalation Level (OPEL) framework while co-ordinating an integrated system response that maintains the integrity of services for patients 24/7.
OPEL is a system that we use to assess the stress, demand, and pressure on hospitals. Opel 4 indicates a high escalation level. This level is declared when a hospital is unable to provide comprehensive care and when there is a risk to patient safety.

Example of NCL system OPEL 4 actions:
- Extraordinary system level escalation call
- Review of barriers to providers implementing OPEL 4 Actions Cards for de-escalation
- Formulate system action plan to manage patient flow and achieve best outcome for patients.
How you can help
Please support your community by sharing information about local services. A&E is currently very busy, so using the appropriate services can make a significant difference.
Pharmacy First service: Almost all pharmacies now offer the Pharmacy First service, which provides advice and, if necessary, NHS medications to treat seven common health conditions, all without requiring a GP appointment. This service is available at 97% of pharmacies in NCL. Please consider visiting your local pharmacy for advice on non-urgent, minor health issues and ailments.
Help to guide your friends, family, neighbours, and others in the community to access the right care this winter.
Vaccination programme: It is important to stay healthy by getting vaccinated against COVID-19, flu, and RSV. It’s not too late to receive your vaccinations for flu, as the current strains in hospitals are those against which the vaccines are most effective. Contact your GP or local pharmacy if you are eligible for a flu jab.