Freedom of Information (FOI) requests

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) – or FOI act – gives you the right to request access to any recorded information we hold, promoting a culture of openness and accountability across the public sector.


Please check if the information that you’re interested in is already available.

We publish information on this website, so you may find the answer to your question is already here. Check our publication scheme to see what information we publish.

If you request information that we’ve already published, we will refer you to the published source.

Anyone, anywhere in the world, can make a freedom of information request. You can ask for any recorded information that you think we may hold.

If the information is environmental, we will respond according to the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). You do not have to know whether the information you want is covered by the EIR or the FOI act. When you make a request, we will decide which law applies.

If the information is your own personal data, then you should make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act (2018), and not under the FOI act.

Your request must be in writing and has to include:

  • Your real name (we do not have to respond to requests submitted under a pseudonym).
  • Your address (email addresses are acceptable).
  • A description of the information you wish to obtain.

Send your request in writing to: North Central London ICB Laycock PDC, Laycock Street, London, N1 1TH

Or email us:

You should receive a full reply within 20 working days.

If you feel that we have not met the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you should contact the FOI Team at:

If you remain dissatisfied, you can ask us to review our decision by making a written request for an internal review. In order to assist with the review, you should include your address, a description of the original request and the reasons why you are dissatisfied. Please send this to:


Postal address: North Central London ICB, Laycock PDC, Laycock Street, London, N1 1TH

The review will be handled by more senior staff who were not involved in the original decision. Although this will not apply to Section 36 claimed exemptions in accordance with Department of Health Directive, your request will still be reviewed.

If you then wish to appeal you should contact the Information Commissioner for an independent review at the following address:

Postal address: The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
