Polio booster vaccination

All children in London aged one to nine are to be offered a polio booster vaccination in coming weeks, following an announcement by the NHS and UKHSA. The NHS will soon be in touch if your child is within this age group, to tell you how and when they will be able to...

Monkeypox: waiting for your vaccination

Vaccination is currently being offered to people who are most at risk of being exposed to monkeypox to prevent or reduce the severity of infection. This includes some healthcare workers, some men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with other men, and people who have...

March NCL system Update

Go to NCL System Update March 2022 In this issue: A note from FrancisThe community neuroscience projectTransforming acute neurology servicesNorth Central London Integrated Care System – update on latest developmentsHRH Prince Charles opens University...

February NCL system Update

Go to NCL System Update February 2022 In this issue: A note from FrancesIntegrated Care System transition update COVID-19 vaccination update NCL Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Transformation PlanChanges to walk-in services at...

December NCL System Update

Go to NCL System Update December 2021 In this issue: A note from FrancesWe are working collaboratively to respond to system pressuresChanges to walk-in services at Edgware Community HospitalCOVID vaccination enters new sprint phaseNCL winter resilience...